War? God? Design?

To begin, I would like to question the necessity of war and before anything I would like to say that I don’t have an answer. I know that it is a tragedy for the soldiers to lose their life and I believe it should never happen, for one to give up their lives. In this essay a mother shares her thoughts on the war that she believes will eventually come to involve her sons. Her view seems to also be like mine trying to juggle the good and bad of war before eventually coming to the idea that a decision to go to war should be made by everyone or no one. The idea that if we all share in the ideas that war is the answer than tragedy must also be shared around. However I would have to disagree with this. Its not reasonable. No population is ever going to share the same views. I am a long way from pacifism but I think war doesn’t have to be the answer. However I do see her logic. One answer is rarely shared among the vast amount of people in this country. However we all feel pain and for most of us, we would rather not feel pain. Maybe pain is the only way to incentivize us as a whole. Maybe its naivete, maybe its the desire not to feel pain, but I believe and hope it doesn’t come down to that. I like to believe that there is always another way.

Essay “Sharing the Tragedy of War

Also if you didn’t gather it from my previous post I’m a big fan of Doctor Who and this essay on war also lead me to this speech by the Doctor. Spoilers

When we see the horrors of war, can we still say that there is a god? In this essay Penn Jillette talks about not believing in god which I can relate considering I am a atheist. In this he has a quote that goes toward the horror of the world. “Believing that there is no god means the suffering I’ve seen in my family and indeed all the suffering in the world, isn’t caused by an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent force that isn’t bothered to help or is just testing us, but rather something we all may be able to help others with in the future.” Not believing in god let him to enjoy his life on his own term. What I found most interesting is that he tells people not to blindly follow god. It’s not hate toward religious people which is how many think of atheist because they don’t share their believes. Rather its telling start with not having a god and finding reasons and evidence that god exist. Maybe atheist are those that never found those reasons/ evidence.

Essay “There is no God

For this I also have a quote from a TV show though for this I don’t have a video. It’s from Temperance Brennan, main character of Bones, who is also an Atheist. In this she talks about marriage which she doesn’t really believe in.

“For not being married, I don’t have an excuse. I just have very good reasons. I think that marriage is something that you need a reason to enter into. I never found that reason.” – Temperance Brennan (The Goop on the Girl)

Maybe its not the best quote to relate to this but for Penn, he never found a reason to believe in god, but rather a lot of reasons to not believe.

First thoughts that come to mind is the skyline that it forms and the bottom edge. It forms the shape of the NY skyline but instead of building, it is hollowed out. There are certain places that seemed to be older than the other pieces, having that slight greenish coloration to contrast with the grayish white of the rest with a hint of bluish tint from time to time in the design. The coloration is further brought to light in the shadows that the walls create in contrast with the light that falls from the window. Shapes vary in size and pattern but it would seem that many are diamond shaped while others are 3 lines, 2 of which bisects the square diagonally and the other horizontally. Random pieces missing from the rest. I wonder how satisfying it would be to put in the missing pieces especially the spaces that are surrounded on all four sides. Are the spaces intentional? None of the missing spaces seems to be repeated. It doesn’t seem to just be the designs on the wall itself but also take into account the light and the shadows that exist. Neck hurts from just arching it back to see the top while also catching a glimpse of the blue skies through the window. Sounds of water hitting against water flushes out the voices that can be faintly heard in the background. The lights seems to be in the shape of squares conforming to the window that the light emanates from and yet in the bottom middle, the lights seem to lose their shape, turning in to blurry mass without any really discernible shape.




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